They say the road to hell is paved with good intentions.
This Player did the opposite!
New and old player beware and please boycott I_PEED_MY_PANTS.
All I wanted to do was buy some glass. He was offering it for 2k for everything. I was gonna uprep for helping me out howerver, this is not how it unfolded. He asked me to teleport to him in the tree at the back of spawn. I did and to my utter horror, I was scammed out of my entire inventory. I was trapped by him in an obsidian box and trapped. I happened to have a book and quill on me when i was talking to *xVibelordx . I_PEED_MY_PANTS threatened to use it to ban me from the server and false repped me when I downrepped him for what he did! I have screenshots of some of what he said to me. I will be happy to attach them if a mod would like to see them. I only posted on here to warn other players about his ill desision to trap and scam me out of my curse of vanishing stuff [except for the boots, A Netherite Fourtune Pickaxe and my ABYSS guild shield along with a few other things]

Whether friend of foe, PLEASE DO NOT TRUST THIS PLAYER!!!


Hey Quimble,
Sorry to hear you got tp trapped and lost all your stuff that can be annoying. As far as sending the mods anything, that's not necessary at all. OGN allows scamming, tp trapping and griefing on the smp server. Feel free to use the rep system to call out bad actors in the future!