Discord to Forums: Changelogs 23/04/2024


New member
@ItzFlip 6:35pm PDT
Changelogs 23/04/2024

Hey everyone! With the release of Java 1.20.5 and Bedrock 1.20.80, we are working hard at getting client support within the next few days. We will announce when OG-Network officially supports the new versions. There seems to be some hiccups with the initial release of Spigot and Bungeecord, so if everything goes well, client support should be coming by the weekend.


-Events now only require 4 players to start (from 6).


I am posting changelogs, updates, and announcements here because many people don't use discord, this was requested by many members of the server. I am asking the owners to start posting the changelogs, updates, and announcements here.

Link to original discord message

Love you all -Max328