OG Network OFFICIAL Resource Pack Suggestions!

Heya! Decided to put a little thing here to get some forum suggestions about the og network resource pack. I update it once a week on Wednesday and I upload a YT video of the new features on my channel when I do. The day before I also do streams where I implement the suggestions I get throughout the week. I add most things people suggest me, as I personally believe that this should be a pack for everyone. You can also send me a sprite and I'll add it (though by doing so you give me access to change it. I only do minimal changes though, such as adding hue shifting to shading and coloring outlines). I put the pack down below, as well as my discord username if you ever need to contact me! I hope you use the pack and give me plenty of horrifying (or genuinely good) suggestions!!

-Ray, aka Aether the Crusader

P.S. don't ask for paintings or discs those aren't being added for now


turtle armor before reset my maxed gear was named turtle's shell and elytra were turtle's flippers


New member
Just to put in here: the Terraprisma Wings and the Zenith Sword both from Terraria. I just wanted to put in here okay ^^


take the texture of bread make it longer and make swords able to be named something like stale baguette


New member
Can you make chipmunk armor that just makes me look like I'm covered in chipmunks? Like the helmet could be like one sitting on my head, the chipmunks could be on my shoulders for the chestplate, ect. If that's possible.