A minigame for the Survival Games lobby


Ok, lets face it, the survival games are dead. I even ended up taking part in an attempt to play just one game, and it was really stressful and we ended up giving up.

But if we had a certain minigame or something that played during the lobby, not to detract from the actual game itself, but as a sort of appetizer, then maybe it could revive the survival games, which originally were the only thing you could play on the server.

I'm thinking it could be like a sort of vanilla survival thing where it starts out just a 50x50 square of grass in the void, but every 5 seconds a chest with random items in it will appear in a random spot. Every time a new lobby starts, the map could be reset, but not the players' inventory.

This is kind of inspired by the temp map for 0b0t when the real map was attacked by ransomware.

This sounds like a weird idea, but I kinda want to play AT LEAST one survival game for ONCE.